103 39 Stockholm
Telephone, secretariat:
+46 8 543 56 112/123
E-mail: [email protected]


Provide Your input to the work of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission

The Commission has been tasked to provide realistic proposals on how to achieve the greatest possible reductions of the dangers from weapons of mass destruction.

Even though the Commission, through its chairman and Commissioners, has extensive knowledge of international security and WMD and a practical experience of working with those issues at a high political level, it does not believe that it alone can provide all relevant ideas and proposals. The Commission will therefore throughout the process cooperate with individual researchers, academic institutions and “think tanks”, which will produce studies and papers on a number of issues related to the Commissions mandate.

The Commission would also welcome contributions from others. Maybe you have a proposal on how to reduce the dangers from WMD?

If you or your institution or organization would like to present a report or paper to the Commission on an area related to its mandate, you are welcome to send it electronically or by mail to the Secretariat of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission. Contact details can be found under “Contact”.

The material you would send us could be a comprehensive report or a study that you had already produced, but it could also be a brief paper without any footnotes describing the situation with regard to a certain aspect of the mandate and with some proposal on what to do.

Under the discretion of the Secretariat, the provided material may be circulated within the Commission, the Secretariat and it’s advisors. There will not be any compensation for material that has been provided. The WMDC will not have the copyright to the material and it will not be published by the WMDC unless otherwise agreed to by the author/s. 

Press releases
What commissioners say Free footage from report Timeline
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