103 39 Stockholm
Telephone, secretariat:
+46 8 543 56 112/123
E-mail: [email protected]


List of events

Following the official launch of the WMDC Final Report, Weapons of Terror, on 1 June, 2006, when the WMDC Chairman Dr. Hans Blix presented it to Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, the Report has been presented to various state and non-state actors world wide. Along with other Commissioners, Dr. Blix has spent the past six months travelling across the globe to promote the fundamental messages of the Report and the results of the work of the WMDC.


 1 June – New York
Official launch of the WMDC Final Report: Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms. Dr. Blix presented the Report to UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan.

 1 June – New York
Dr. Blix presented the Report to the President of the General Assembly/Swedish Foreign Minister Jan Eliasson.

 1 June – New York
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the Indonesian Lounge at the United Nations and to the Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC).

 1 June - Geneva
Commissioner Dr. Patricia Lewis presented the Report to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, Mr. Sergei Ordzhonikidze.

 2 June - Philadelphia
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the World Council Affairs in Philadelphia.

 3 June – New York
Dr. Blix presented the Report to various non-governmental organizations accredited to the United Nations.

 4 June – New York
Dr. Blix appeared on the NBC television talks show Meet the Press with Tim Russert.

 5 June - Toronto
Dr. Blix addressed the International Law Association Congress, Toronto.
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 6 June - Ottawa
Dr. Blix presented the Report to the Canadian Ministry of External Relations.

 7 June – Washington DC
Dr. Blix presented the Report at a seminar in Washington, arranged by the Arms Control Association and the American Bar Association at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

 7 June – Washington DC
Dr. Blix presented the Report to United States Senators Warner, Graham and Nelson and Congressmen Markey and Shays.

 7 June – Stockholm
Commissioners Dr. Alexei Arbatov, Alyson Bailes, Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala and WMDC Secretary-General Ambassador Henrik Salander, presented the Report at a seminar arranged by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) for Swedish non-governmental organizations in Stockholm.

 8-9 June - Brussels
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the Foreign Relations Committee of the European Parliament and the Committee on Foreign and Security Policy of the Ministerial Council; at the European Policy Centre as well as to EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Solana and to EU Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner.

 12 June - London
Dr. Blix presented the Report to British members of Parliament and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 13 June - Rome
Dr. Blix presented the Report to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 14 June – The Vatican
Dr. Blix presented the Report to Pope Benedict XVI and to the Vatican’s Foreign Minister, Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo.

 15 June – Geneva
Dr. Blix gave a presented the Report in the CD Chamber at the Palais des Nations, followed by a presentation to non-governmental organizations.

 15 June – Geneva
Dr. Blix presented the Report to the Associate Secretary-General of the World Council of Churches Mr. Yorgo Lemopolous.

 16 June – Moscow
Commissioner Dr. Alexei Arbatov presented the Report at a press conference at ITAR-TASS in Moscow, attended by a number of embassies and major media corporations.

 19 June – Jakarta
Dr. Blix presented the Report to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accompanied by Commissioner Dr. Fortuna Anwar.

 21 June – New Dehli
Dr. Blix and Commissioner General Vasantha Raghavan presented the Report to government officials in New Dehli.

 22-23 June – Moscow
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Dr. Alexei Arbatov presented the Report to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Kisliak , as well as at a public seminar at the Moscow Carnegie Centre.

 28 June – Vancouver
Dr. Blix, along with Commissioners Ambassador Marcos de Azambuja and General Pan Zhenqiang, presented the Report at the World Conference of Peace.
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 6 September – New York
Dr. Blix addressed the DPI/NGO Conference at the United Nations.
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 7 September – New York
The WMDC hosted a stategy meeting for NGOs in New York to discuss the Report.

 11-14 September – Dublin
Dr. Blix presented the Report at various events in Dublin, including at a meeting with Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern.
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 15 September – Brussels
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the European Policy Centre to a large audience including diplomats, journalists, academics and NGO-representatives.

 25 September – Yale
Dr. Blix presented the report at Yale University.

 26 September – Washington DC
Dr. Blix testified in US Congress.
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 27 September - Ottawa
Dr. Blix addressed Middle Powers Initiative’s Article VI Forum.
Download pdf | www.middlepowers.org

 16 October – New York
Dr. Blix addressed the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly.
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 17 October – New York
Dr. Blix attended a meeting to discuss the Report, “Civil Society Responds to Weapons of Terror: Assessing the Report of the WMD Commission” meeting sponsored by Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy and Reaching Critical Will.

 23 October - Berlin
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Ambassador Cheikh Sylla presented the Report to German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

 24 October - Copenhagen
Dr. Blix presented the Report at a working lunch attended by a large group of diplomats, journalists and NGO-representatives.

 31 October – Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Blix presented the Report at a seminar organized by the Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI).

 1 November - Brasilia
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Ambassador Marcos de Azambuja presented the Report to the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Brazilian Parliament, Aldo Rebelo, and to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 2 November – Santiago de Chile
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the research institute FLASCO.
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 3 November – Santiago de Chile
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Ambassador Marcos de Azambuja presented the Report to Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile, Alberto Van Klaveren Stork.

 6 November – Buenos Aires
Dr. Blix addressed the World Federation for United Nations Associations at their 38th Plenary Assembly, which included an essay competition focusing on the WMDC Final Report. 

 6 November – Buenos Aires
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Ambassador Marcos de Azambuja presented the Report to Foreign Minister of Argentina, Jorge Taiana.

 9-10 November – Seoul
Dr. Blix presented the Report at various events in Seoul, including several meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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 13 November – Beijing
Dr. Blix and Commissioner General Pan presented the Report to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Cui Tiankai, as well as at a number of Chinese Institutions.

 14 November – Shanghai
Dr. Blix presented the Report at Fudan University.

 16 November – Tokyo
Dr. Blix presented the Report to the Japanese Prime Minister’s Special Assistant, Ms. Koike and at the Nakasone Institute. Dr. Blix was also interviewed by NHK and Asahi Shimbun.

 17 November – Tokyo
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Proffessor Masashi Nishihara presented the Report at the Japanese Institue of International Affairs.

 27 November – London
Dr. Blix addressed a wide audience at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law at an evening commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons.
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 28 November – Vienna
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the Renner Institute in Vienna.
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 6 December – Washington DC
Dr. Blix addressed the International Expert Symposium on ”Worldviews, International Relations and Globalization” hosted by the Embassy of Sweden in Washington.

 12 December – The Hague/Rotterdam
Dr. Blix presented the Report to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
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 13 December – The Hague
Dr. Blix presented the Report to Director-General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter and to Dutch parliamentarians.


 12 January – Madrid
Dr. Blix addressed a large audience at the conference 'Madrid - 15 years later' , commemorating the 15th anniversary of the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference.
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 22 January – Alexandria
Dr. Blix presented the Report to a wide audience at Alexandria's Bibliotheca.
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 24 January – Cairo
Dr. Blix presented the Report to Egypt's Minister for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Aboul Gheit.
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 25 January – Cairo
Dr. Blix gave a lecture at the Diplomatic Institute of Foreign Affairs.

 8 February – Uppsala
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University.

 17 February – Guthenburg
Dr. Blix presented the Report to a Swedish audience at a seminar on the threat of weapons of mass destruction and climate change, organized by the WMDC along with several Swedish NGO’s.

 26 February – New York
Dr. Blix gave a speech of the Report at the New Century Foundation Conference Weapons threats and international security Rebuilding an unravelled consensus.

 27 February – New York
Dr. Blix (in his capacity as President of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, WFUNA) met with UN Secretary-General Ki-moon and made a brief presentation the WMDC Report.

 28 February – Brussels
Dr. Blix discussed the Report with Anna-Lisa Giannella,  the Personal Representative on Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction to EU High Representative Javier Solana.

 1 March – Brussels
Dr. Blix spoke at the Belgian Senate Symposium: “The Establishment of a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Middle-East and the role of Belgium in this process.”

 5 March – Berlin
Dr. Blix addressed the audience of the conference New Ways in Arms Control and Disarmament, organised by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 8 March – Chigaco
Dr. Blix held a lecture, “Time for a Revival of Disarmament?” at Chicago University.

 9 March – Chigaco
Dr. Blix discussed the WMDC Report with members of the MacArthur Foundation.

 14 March – Harvard
Dr. Blix spoke of the Report at a lecture at Harvard.

 14 March – Stockholm
Secretary-General Salander presented the Report at a seminar focusing on the renewal of the Trident program, organized by several Swedish NGOs.

 20 March – Umeå
The Report was presented at Umeå University by Secretary-General Salander.

 22 March – Bergen
Dr. Blix spoke of the Report at a lecture arranged by the Bergen University Students’ society.
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 25 March – Princeton
Dr. Blix presented the Report to members of the Coalition for Peace Action. 

 26 March – Princeton
Dr. Blix presented the Report at a lecture organized by the Woodraw Wilson School at Princeton.

 28 March – Washington D.C
Dr. Blix gave a dinner speech at the Project for Nuclear Awareness conference Beyond Nuclear Weapons.

 30 March – Vienna
Dr. Blix participated on a panel along with Dr. Borroughs on the topic “Towards Security Without Nuclear Weapons: WMD Commission Recommendations”, at the Article VI Forum organized by the Middle Powers Initiative.

 2 April – Paris
Dr. Blix presented the Report at the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), and spoke of the Report at a large press conference, as well as during seven separate interviews.

 11 April – Barcelona
The Spanish translation of the WMDC Final Report was launched in Barcelona, including a presentation by Dr. Blix.
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 12 April – Bilbao
The Spanish translation of the WMDC Final Report was launched in Bilbao, including a presentation by Dr. Blix.

 13 April – Madrid
The Spanish translation of the WMDC Final Report was launched at the Elcano Institute in Madrid, including a presentation by Dr. Blix.

 13 April – Stockholm
Secretary-General Salander presented the Report to an audience of Swedish military officials at the Swedish National Defence College.

 16 April – Stockholm
Dr. Blix presented the Report at a seminar organized by the Stockholm-based United Nations association.

 19 April – Brussels
Commissioner Evans presented the Report at a cconference on nuclear weapons at the European Parliament.
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 24 April – Uppsala
Secretary-General Salander presented the Report at the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation museum for peace.

 1 May – Bern
Dr. Blix presented the Report to Swiss Federal Councillor Schmid and to State Secretary Ambühl.

 3 May – Washington D.C.
Dr. Blix met with Senator Chuck Havel.

 4 May – Washington D.C.
Dr. Blix addressed the American Bar Association annual conference.

 8 May – Beijing
Commissioners Alyson Bailes and General Pan launched the Chinese translation of the Report in Beijing.

 9 May – Vienna
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Patricia Lewis discussed the Report at a seminar arranged by the Global Security Institute in Vienna during the NPT PrepCom.

 14 May – Åland
Dr. Blix presented the Report at Åland’s Peace Institute.

 17 May – Moscow
Dr. Blix and Commissioner Alexei Arbatov launched the Russian translation of the Report at the Institute for World Economy and International Relations.
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 24 May – Luxembourg
Dr. Blix, Commissioners Arbatov, Dhanapala, Lewis, Pan, Perry and  Raghavan participated at the Conference on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe in Luxembourg.

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