Free footage from reportFor free disposal of international media the following video clips illustrate some of the recommendations made in the report.
See video clip (Requires Windows Media Player)
The sequences show:
1. Reducing threats (WMDC recommendation 16)
2. Ending all nuclear tests (WMDC recommendation 28)
3. Outlawing of nuclear weapons (WMDC recommendation 30)
4. Enhanced investigatory powers (WMDC recommendation 33)
5. Prohibition of weapons in space (WMDC recommendation 45)
6. World Summit on Disarmament, non-proliferation and terrorist use of WMDs (WMDC recommendation 59)
7. Last WMDC meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, March 3-5, 2006.
Pictures show: Dr. Hans Blix talking to Commissioner Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Indonesia Commissioner Jayantha Dhanapala, Sri Lanka Commissioner Jayantha Dhanapala, Sri Lanka and Commissioner Vasantha Raghavan, India Commissioner Gareth Evans, Australia State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Hans Dahlgren, Sweden talking to Commissioner Gareth Evans, Australia Commissioner Cheikh Sylla, Senegal
Free footage of the commissioners Hans Blix Dewi Fortuna Anwar Alexei G Arbatov Marcos de Azambuja Alyson Bailes Jayantha Dhanapala Gareth Evans Patricia Lewis Masashi Nishihara William J. Perry Vasantha Raghavan Cheikh Sylla Prince El Hassan bin Talal Pan, Zhenqiang